Apartment in Frankfurt-Bockenheim
Do you find older, but stylish attractive apartments in a peaceful area in Frankfurt to your taste ?  Then you should, without fail, view our apartment in Bockenheim.  Bockenheim is built on a dried out lake and was once an independent town which was later annexed to Frankfurt, and which now is home to the famous Wolfgang von Goethe University.
Plentiful Bistros and  international restaurants with a high standard of culinary choices prominantly characterise Bockenheim center.  From the striking Bockenheimer Warte (Bockenheim look-out tower) which was once part of the towns fortification, the shopping mile along the Leipziger Strasse (Leipzig Street) reaches as far as Frankfurt.
If you value a peaceful area, which at the same time is near to Frankfurt, then Bockenheim is the ideal living quarters.


Mrs. Bruno
Phone +49-69-78903424
